Our sustainable podcast recommendations!

There are podcasts on all sorts of topics, from the babble podcast to the true crime podcast, sometimes it's hard to know what to listen to next. The possibilities are limitless these days. But did you know that there are also some podcasts where you can learn about sustainability along the way?
We therefore present a few podcasts that deal with the topic of sustainability.
But first a few numbers, data and facts about podcasts in general:
For example, did you know that there are currently over 1,750,000 podcasts and over 43 million episodes?
Also, 49% of podcasts are listened to at home and switched faster by 19% of listeners. Podcast listeners subscribed to an average of 6 shows in the last week and are also more likely to subscribe to Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Interesting right?
Enough of that: Here are our suggestions for podcasts on the subject of sustainability :-)
1st suggestion:
Live better. Sustainable in everyday life with the Environment Commissioner.
© Better life. Sustainable in everyday life with the Environment Commissioner.
"Simply live environmentally conscious and better: Melitta Varlam and Alexander Dallmus show that it is not that complicated to act sustainably in everyday life - even if you are not an environmental professional." (Description by Melitta Varlam and Alexander Dallmus)
This podcast comes from Bayerischer Rundfunk. In the approximately 20-minute episodes, we learn well-researched facts about everyday issues that really affect us all: Haven't we all wondered what palm oil is all about? Or whether organic is really always the best solution? How can you avoid microplastics in cosmetics? (By puremetics of course ;-)
Often one only has half knowledge about sustainability issues. This podcast finally clears that up!
2nd suggestion:
Fair chatter - the sustainability podcast

© Fairchatscht – The Sustainability Podcast
“At Fairchatscht everything revolves around sustainability. The podcast deals with different topics, looking through green glasses. Whether gold mining, raising children or urban agriculture - Fairchatscht takes a close look, questions critically and listens with interest. Each episode deals with a different, exciting topic. For this purpose, moderator Marisa Becker (@mysustainableme) always gets a competent conversation partner in front of the microphone.” (Description by Marisa Becker)
This podcast is packed with expert knowledge! In each episode, a different guest who is very knowledgeable talks about a specific topic. For example, the presenter talks to one expert about whether cats and dogs can be fed vegan and to another about what makes organic hotels special. Many of us also have half-knowledge on these questions, which is clarified critically and differentiated in this podcast.
The episodes have the character of an interview: you listen to two people talking for half an hour, which creates a really personal feeling.
3. Suggestion:
1.5 degrees - the climate podcast with Luisa Neubauer
© 1.5 degrees - the climate podcast with Luisa Neubauer
“What does it mean to be robbed of one's future? What does it mean when habitats become uninhabitable? What is humanity's most dangerous crisis doing to us and how do we get out of it? In the new Spotify Original Podcast "1.5 Grad", Luisa Neubauer, activist and co-organizer of the Fridays for Future movement, explores these and more questions about the greatest challenge of our time: the global climate crisis. She meets people whose work, insights and resistance are essential in the fight against the climate crisis and visits places where the effects of the crisis can already be seen and felt. "1.5 degrees" - the climate podcast with Luisa Neubauer, from 10.11. only on Spotify.” (Description by Luisa Neubauer and Spotify)
Luisa Neubauer is a real star of the sustainability scene. She is an activist and has contributed significantly to the success of the Fridays for Future movement in Germany. Now she has a podcast too! Here we get great interviews with exciting people on big questions, such as "How close is the catastrophe?". The episodes are about an hour long, in which she talks to a wide variety of people in personal conversations about the environmental issues of our time. She greets guests there who you probably wouldn't expect, like comedian Carolin Kebekus. Even her own grandmother makes a guest appearance in one episode. She talks to everyone in such a light and relaxed atmosphere that it's really fun to listen to - even though the climate crisis is a scary topic.
4. Suggestion:
Chapped Lips Podcast || live sustainably + healthy
© Chapped Lips Podcast || live sustainably + healthy
"Your podcast for a sustainable, healthy and conscious life." (Description by Anina Gepp and Roxane Badan)
In their podcast, Anina and Roxane talk about various topics: sustainability without pointing fingers, greenwashing, or more personal topics such as ghosting and the quarter-life crisis. The two also talk about health: how healthy intermittent fasting really is, or why the pathological attention to a healthy lifestyle can also lead to eating disorders. The episodes are between 20 minutes and an hour long. Anina and Roxane also provide us with practical tips. Haven't you always wanted to know how you can organize your wardrobe in such a way that you don't have to go shopping for new clothes every season?
In her relaxed and fun way, Chapped Lips brings us closer to the many facets of sustainable living!
5. Suggestion:
Utopia Podcast – Simply live sustainably

© Utopia Podcast – Simply live sustainably
“Many people talk about sustainability, but not everyone knows what it actually means. Is it just a fashion trend and marketing term - or is it the only way we can master the coming ecological and social challenges from the climate crisis to global nutrition? The Utopia podcast helps, not in the abstract and abstract, but very concrete and close to everyday life, with lots of tips and useful information. Have a listen, you won't be disappointed!" (Description from Utopia.de)
Many of you are probably already familiar with the Utopia online magazine. But did you know that they also give many useful tips for a sustainable life in their podcast?
The episodes with a length of 15 minutes are perfect for in between. We talk to guests about topics that affect us all. For example, the Utopia podcast gives us “Practical tips for more minimalism” or “15 tips for a life without plastic”. The episode "Sustainable shopping in times of Corona" is certainly interesting for many. Living sustainably often seems like a big challenge at first, but with these practical tips and food for thought, we can all become a little more sustainable!
We think these podcasts are a great way to learn about sustainability in a relaxed and casual way.
If you want more, have a listen!
We would like to point out that these are only orientations from podcasts on the topic of sustainability.
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