The myth of cruelty-free cosmetics - that's what it really looks like!

In 2020, 2,562 dogs, 2,111 monkeys, 644 cats, more than 1.8 million mice, over 280,000 fish and over 70,000 rabbits were "consumed" for scientific purposes in Germany alone. And that wasn't all! The total number is 2,533,664 animals...
The bad thing: "Surplus animals" are not even considered in this number. These animals are "produced" in excess in the laboratories and killed if, from the researchers' point of view, they are not of the right age, the right sex or the desired genetic information.
would you have thought so 😟
Animal testing for cosmetic products has actually been banned across the EU since 2013. Nevertheless, some of the test animals listed above are used for precisely this area. The bans have loopholes that are deliberately used by some cosmetics manufacturers...
The ban on animal testing only applies to new products and ingredients that are used exclusively for cosmetic purposes . Many cosmetics manufacturers are therefore increasingly using chemical substances from the areas of cleaning agents, wall paints or medicines that may or even have to be tested on animals.
Companies could simply voluntarily do without bad ingredients if they know what they are doing to people and the environment. But don't do it, because many of these substances are cheaper than those that are natural or sustainably sourced. On the other hand, it is also about the "performance" of the product. People want to buy lipsticks that last as long as possible, even 24 hours, according to advertising. Whatever. Customers like to buy shampoo that glitters so pretty in silver in the hand and hairspray that can make your hair stand on end.
And that was just the tip of the iceberg...
Companies that really don't test on animals will also be banned from advertising with the word! Crazy, right? 😤
If some companies advertise with it and some don't, the impression could be created that freedom from animal testing is a special feature of the advertised products and that other manufacturers carry out animal testing. Which is partly true. If it is advertised anyway, the company in question will have to face legal consequences .

A well-known example:
Many cosmetic products have been around for decades. Were perhaps already faithful companions of their own grandmother or mother. You can see the packaging and immediately smell the product. Everyone knows it, right? 😍
Unfortunately there is a problem here. Cosmetic products developed before 2009 do not have to be labelled . This means that it is not clear whether a manufacturer has ever carried out animal testing or not.

Good things from China:
The world turns completely differently in China. Also in animal experiments. By 2021 , every cosmetic product had to be tested on animals before entering the market . Regardless of whether it has already been sold without animal testing in other countries.
Luckily, that ended on May 1, 2021 . There is a new law. Cosmetic products still have to be tested on animals, but not everyone is affected. Only sunscreens, hair loss remedies or products for children still have to be tested on animals. At least a start.

Our products are 100% cruelty free!
Even if we are unfortunately forbidden from advertising, no animal has and will never have to suffer for our products!
Our products are: 100% animal-free, vegan, plastic-free and free from harmless ingredients - click here and get to know them! 💚
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