For equal work, equal pay: the Equal Pay Day sets a strong example
Equal Pay Day is an important day that draws attention to the unequal pay of women and men every year. The day symbolically marks the period that women have to work longer on average to earn the same salary as men. Equal Pay Day was created by activists and takes place on a different date each year depending on how big the gender pay gap is in a given country.
18% gender pay gap
In Germany, women earn an average of 18 percent less than men, as calculated by the Federal Statistical Office for 2022. If you convert the value of 18 percent into days, women will work a total of 66 days for free from January 1st. For this reason, Equal Pay Day will take place on March 7th this year.
In recent years, the gender pay gap (as the salary gap is called) has only narrowed very slowly. There are many reasons for the pay gap. One point is the fact that women often work in jobs that pay less than those dominated by men. Women are also more likely to work part-time and have fewer opportunities for training and career development due to family responsibilities.

Equal Pay Day reminds us that there is still work to be done
It is important that we work to close the gender pay gap. Employers can, for example, make sure that they pay men and women fairly and offer flexible working conditions that enable women to balance family and career. Politicians can enact laws that ensure gender pay equality and give women equal access to training and career development.
As a society, we can also change our attitudes and behavior by challenging prejudice. We can encourage women to stand up for their rights and equality and support them in their efforts.
Equal Pay Day reminds us that there is still work to be done to create a just and equal society. By advocating gender pay equality, we can help create a world where men and women have equal opportunities and opportunities to reach their full potential.
You can find more information at .
We say: "Equal salary for all - equal gift for all!"
We find the gender pay gap unfair and not at all up to date - every job, whether by a man or a woman, is worth the same and should now be remunerated as such.
In addition to Equal Pay Day...
... we would also like to draw your attention to International Women's Day . This is on 08.03. and here we celebrate all women who, with will and strength, do not give up to achieve their goals. They inspire us anew every day.
On these occasions, we have of course come up with something for you! For every order from 05.03. until Wednesday, 08.03. received by us, you will receive a free surprise gift!
Simply enter the voucher code: GIFT when placing your order and we will automatically put a surprise gift in your package.

By the way: with every order, our plastic collection partners Green Worms are supported. They actively support women empowerment and ensure that women in India have access to decent and fairly paid work.

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