Freeze plastic free? That's how it's done!

Cooked too much soup? Or once again prepared too much food for the barbecue party? Then off with it in the freezer. What else are freezer bags for, right? Incorrect. We'll show you now why you don't need plastic to freeze your food.
Sure, freezer bags are definitely practical. Simply fill it in, seal it airtight and put it in the freezer. However, Tupperware, freezer bags and the like almost always contain plasticizers.
What are the disadvantages of plasticizers?
Plasticizers - as the name suggests - make fabrics softer, more flexible, more elastic and are among the best-selling chemicals we come into contact with on a daily basis.
Emollients are dangerous because they are suspected of contributing to diabetes, breast cancer, obesity, asthma and respiratory diseases, and can be a contributory factor in male infertility. Hormonal agents reduce the quality of sperm.
plastic waste
After use, the freezer bags usually end up directly in the garbage and plastic cans also end up in the bin at some point when they start to look unappetizing.
Therefore, freeze your food without plastic.
The perfect container is:
Can be sealed airtight : This means that air and moisture cannot get to the food and the aroma is almost completely preserved.
Temperature resistant : The container should be fit for purpose. It must be able to withstand freezing temperatures for freezing and heat-resistant for heating in the microwave or oven.
Dishwasher safe: washing up with a machine is more economical than washing up by hand and saves a lot of work.
Food safe and tasteless: Means the food keeps its original flavor.
Robust and odorless: So that neither odors nor ingredients are released into the food.
Do you know how freezer burn occurs?
If air gets into the frozen food, the affected areas dry out. In addition, contact with oxygen causes oxidation and allows microbes to enter. The result is stains or ice crystals. All this not only looks unappetizing, but also changes the taste.
It also often makes meat tough. Therefore, when freezing food without plastic, it is important to squeeze the air out of the freezer container as completely as possible.
Mason Jars : Jars with their airtight lids intact are ideal for freezing soups, sauces, and other liquids. Fruit and vegetables can also be frozen in them without plastic. Never fill liquid to the brim, but leave about a quarter empty. Because liquids expand when they freeze, the glass would otherwise burst.
Stainless steel cans : You can also freeze food in stainless steel cans. Stainless steel cans with rubber seals are really airtight, but normal cans also serve their purpose.
Cotton bag: Bread and rolls can also be frozen in a simple cotton bag. It is only important that the bag is closed well or that the bread is wrapped well in it.
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