October Challenge: The fight against throwaway fashion - it's time for fair fashion

Fashion should be fun and make us feel good - but we shouldn't lose sight of the environment. So-called "fast fashion" is produced at the expense of the environment and people. The prices are cheap, the working conditions mostly inhumane. And where a lot is produced, as is well known, a lot also ends up in the garbage. In fact, most clothing is incinerated because it's cheaper than recycling clothing that's new from the factory. Frightening, isn't it? But that doesn't mean we have to do without new eye-catchers in our wardrobe. Have you ever heard of "fair fashion"? Sustainable clothing is not contaminated with harmful substances, is therefore more environmentally friendly and better for your health. The clothing production process is made more transparent and working conditions are improved. It is even better to buy as few new things as possible and instead rely on second hand. This requires no new resources and you can often find real treasures. Or how about a clothes swap party? Meet up with your best friends and just see if this is something for you.

In addition to the environmental pollution caused by huge quantities of new factory products, there is another problem. Have you ever considered the effects of plastic fibers on the environment? With every wash, microplastics get into our waters unhindered. By the way: Do not use the gentle cycle, because this is where most of the microfibers come off the clothes because more water is used. A plastic-free alternative is to use fashion made from natural fibers and ban clothes made from synthetic fibers. However, it is more sustainable to continue to wear the clothes, but to use a fine-meshed laundry net for washing, which catches the microfibres.

Have you ever come across the term capsule wardrobe? This is about building a minimalist wardrobe with your favorite pieces. Go through your closet: what's your style? What do you feel most comfortable in? Even if it's difficult: Most of the other things can just go away and someone else can be happy about it. Rely on basics that are easy to combine and in which you simply always look and feel good. So you don't ask yourself the annoying question of what to wear in the morning - you just like everything!

This is our October Challenge! Go through your closet and find the perfect solution for you. Feel free to share them with us, we look forward to hearing about your experiences. If you have any other tips, please let us know.

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