7 ideas for the perfect DIY Christmas present

Whether for Christmas, a birthday or just because... Giving away something homemade is not only a nice gesture, but often also really sustainable. In this blog post we show you seven DIY gift ideas. And best of all, you can prepare most of this last minute. You probably already have the ingredients for this at home or you can easily get them (almost) anywhere.

1. Ginger Syrup

For 1l syrup you need:

  • 350g ginger
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • 5 lemons,
  • 500ml water
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • a container to fill

Peel the ginger and put it in a blender with some of the water until it forms a fibrous mass. Add lemon zest and squeeze the lemons. Then add the remaining water and the sugar. Bring the syrup to the boil, then add the rosemary and simmer for 20 minutes. Then just sieve and bottle - done!

2. Vegetable wax towels

For a vegetable wax cloth you need:

  • a piece of cloth
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable wax (e.g. carnauba wax)
  • an iron
  • baking paper
  • a heat-resistant surface (e.g. ironing board)

Place the towel on a piece of parchment paper, put wax on the towel, and then place another piece of parchment paper on the towel with the wax. The whole thing is then carefully ironed. Attention: For now, less is more. The amount varies depending on the wax and the size of the cloth. You can see from the darker color where the wax is already in the cloth. Then apply wax to the free areas again and again until the entire cloth is covered. Then let it cool down well.

3. Vegan speculaas cream

For 400g speculoos cream you need:

  • 200g spiced speculaas
  • 150g (vegan) condensed milk or yoghurt
  • 50g margarine
  • Cinnamon and sugar to taste
  • a container to fill

Grind the speculoos. Melt margarine with some sugar in a saucepan and then add all the remaining ingredients. Mix the whole thing with a mixer to a creamy mass and then fill it into a pretty container.

4. Cooking box

You need:

  • a recipe of your choice and the right ingredients
  • a container for packaging

Look for a delicious recipe with the recipient's favorite ingredients, buy the necessary ingredients and pack the whole thing nicely in a suitable container. We all know it: After the Christmas holidays one is often lazy. How perfect is it when your favorite meal is already ready?

5. Hand warmers

You need:

  • rice
  • scraps of fabric
  • sewing kit

Cut two layers of fabric and sew them together (on the ugly side). To fill the bags, you should leave an opening of about 1.5 cm. Now turn the bag over and fill it with the rice. Then all you have to do is sew the opening together.

6. Hand Cream

You need:

  • 75g coconut oil
  • 50g cocoa butter
  • 25ml almond oil
  • 10g shea butter
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch (if the cream stays too runny, add more little by little)
  • 1 tsp MSM powder
  • a container to fill

Heat oil and butter in a water bath. When everything is liquid, add the cornstarch and the MSM powder (dissolved in a little warm water) and stir until you get a homogeneous mass. Let the mixture cool, then whip it up with a hand mixer. Now all you have to do is fill it up - done!

7. Bath Chocolates

You need:

  • 200g baking soda
  • 100g citric acid
  • 50g coconut oil
  • 50g cornstarch
  • 5 drops of an essential oil of your choice

Melt the coconut oil and add the essential oil. Mix together baking soda, citric acid, and cornstarch. Then slowly add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and quickly mix everything together. Then shape the chocolates, it is best to press them into a mold. Then you should let them dry for at least a day.

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