Getting used to hair soap - DIY acidic rinse

Would you like to switch from conventional, often chemical shampoo to natural hair soap , but don't really warm up to this form of hair washing? This usually has a very specific reason: Your hair needs time to switch from chemical cosmetics to green alternatives. It is probably used to silicones and chemical surfactants from conventional shampoos. The ingredients have a supposedly positive effect on your hair. They make it look nice and clean and healthy to begin with. However, appearances are deceptive: In fact, many ingredients in conventional cosmetics are bad for you and the environment. Silicones, for example, form an impermeable layer on the scalp and make the hair feel soft and supple. Instead, nourishing substances simply can no longer be absorbed and work properly. So the hair looks good on the outside, but it's not healthy.
puremetics does not use such ingredients. We think beauty should be fun and not harm anyone. Our ingredients are proven to be harmless, we rely on nourishing oils and mild natural surfactants. However, when switching to hair soap, the WOW effect will most likely not follow directly. You can imagine it like this: During the changeover, your hair is initially set to withdrawal. The "beautifiers" are suddenly gone, your hair is on its own. Hair soap gradually wears away the impermeable layer that silicones have formed. This often leads to increased oiliness of the scalp and dull, dull hair. But once your hair has gotten used to the new way of washing your hair, it will be more manageable, voluminous and shiny. In addition, caring substances can finally work. So please don't give up too quickly. Your hair just needs some time to adjust.
DIY sour rinse
Unfortunately, if you wash your hair with a hair soap, so-called "lime soap" can form if the water is very calcareous. The result is stringy residue. But there is a very simple solution for this too: an acidic rinse.
All you need is 1 liter of water and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar . The acidic rinse neutralizes the pH value and closes the cuticle again. So it acts like a light conditioner. The hair does not get as frizzy and is easier to comb.
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Hey Günter, jeder Mensch verliert Hautschuppen, da sich die Haut etwa alle vier Wochen erneuert. Erst wenn die abgestorbenen Hautzellen sehr schnell abgestoßen werden und verklumpen, werden Schuppen sichtbar. Schuppen können entweder wegen trockener oder fettiger Kopfhaut entstehen. Vor allem Hitze und schädliche Inhaltsstoffe aus Haarpflegeprodukten fördern trockene Schuppen. Bei fettigen Schuppen ist häufig zusätzlich ein Hefepilz schuld. Meistens kommt mit den Schuppen ein Juckreiz einher. Wenn Schuppen wegen einer Hautkrankheit entstehen (z.B. Neurodermitis) sollte auf jeden Fall ein Arzt aufgesucht werden. Wir empfehlen bei Schuppen unser Shampoo Pulver „Teebaum Rosmarin“.: Statt chemischen Tensiden verwenden wir ein natürliches Tensid aus Kokosfett, welches deine Haut reinigt. Das enthaltende Teebaumöl wirkt antibakteriell und pilzabtötend. Liebe Grüße, Kathi von puremetics
Frage: was tun gegen Schuppen ?
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